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Tag «SSB»

Microphone Audio Compressor in SSB Radio

Microphone Audio Compressor in SSB Radio     Single-sideband (SSB) radio, a dominant mode in amateur (ham) radio and other communication applications, transmits voice signals with improved spectral efficiency compared to older AM (amplitude modulation) methods. However, SSB has limitations in terms of audio quality and intelligibility, particularly in challenging propagation conditions. This is where …

Video – Reception test of my ubitx v3 with nextion 2.8 inch screen

ubitx3 with nextion screen Reception test of my ubitx v3 multiband SSB Transceiver with Nextion 2.8 inch touch screen. Barbaros WB2CBA  has modified his stock µBITx v6  kit to use the Nextion 2.8″ TFT LCD display.To help his fellow Ubitx V6 owners who want to use a nextion display in their rig, Barbaros has provided …

Video – GEK 2X SSB Transceiver receiving BCDXNET

The GEK 2x SSB Transceiver is a Mid range high performance Low-noise, low cost SSB HF transceiver. The local oscillator is stable DDS VFO and DDS BFO/Carriers oscillator. The Power amplifier is designed as a push-pull Mitsubishi the latest generation of 12V-30MHz Silicon MOSFET Power Transistor. The RD06HHF1 is used in the pre driver and …