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Tag «transmitter»

Series Modulated AM Transmitter


Series Modulated AM Transmitter A series modulated AM Transmitter is a type of radio transmitter that uses amplitude modulation (AM) to transmit audio signals over a carrier wave. It’s known for being low-power and simple to construct, making it a good option for beginners or those interested in QRP (low-power) applications. In a series-modulated AM …

Class C – AM Transmitter

Class C -AM Transmitter

Class E – AM Transmitter A Class C AM transmitter is a type of high-efficiency, solid-state transmitter that is popular among amateur radio enthusiasts. It is known for its simplicity, affordability, and efficiency compared to other types of transmitters. Unlike Class E’s switching operation, Class C amplifiers operate in a more “on or off” manner. …

Simple two stage transistor one watt AM transmitter

One watt AM Transmitter

One watt AM transmitter This is a simple two stage transistor ‘one watt AM transmitter’ for the HF band which gives around 1 watt in output. You can use easily available transistors like BD139, SL100, 2N3866, 2N2219 or a 2N3553 in the final stage. The output with transistor 2N3553 is approx. 1.8 watt @ 12 …

Simple series modulated AM QRP HF Transmitter

Simple series modulated AM QRP HF Transmitter

A simple series modulated AM QRP HF transmitter is a type of radio transmitter that uses amplitude modulation (AM) to transmit audio signals over a high frequency (HF) radio band. It is designed to be low-power and simple to construct, making it a good choice for beginners or those who want to build a QRP …

OXO QRP HF Transmitter


The OXO QRP HF transmitter is a simple, low-power CW (continuous wave) transmitter designed by George Burt, GM3OXX. It is a single-band transmitter that can be built to operate on any of the amateur radio bands from 160 to 20 meters. The transmitter is built around a few standard transistors and a crystal oscillator. It …

Ten Minute QRP Transmitter


Ten Minute QRP Transmitter The design apparently originated in 1996 in an amateur radio club QRP publication.  The name originates since the original author claimed he built this transmitter and make a QSO with it in just 10 minutes time. There are no coils to wind  it tunes a wide range of crystal frequencies, and it outputs an …

Circuits – Sovina2 40M Class E Transmitter

sovina tx

Adaptation of Class E amplifier for amateur radio application is very rare due to inherent difficulties in filter design associated with it till release of usdx transceivers. The above compact transmitter uses class E amplification with three BS170 mosfets, a popular approach in usdx final. What’s new is the oscillator…any similarity with the NS40 is …

Circuits – 40M tag QRP Transmitter

Here is another qrp cw transmitter pulled out from SPRAT back issues, which is simple to build with commonly available components from every one shack. We can subsititute 2N2222 for BC108 and BD139 for BD 131.

Circuits – Pippin QRP Transmitter

This pippin QRP transmitter is basically a conventional colpitts type crystal oscillator with output taken from a low value collector load resistor  and direct coupling is made into the base of PNP transistor used as an amplifier. This simple circuit develops around one watt output with 12V as power supply.