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Tag «Microphone Preamplifier»

Condenser Mic audio amplifier

condenser mic amplifier

Condenser Mic audio amplifier The compact, low-cost condenser mic audio amplifier described here provides good-quality audio of 0.5 watts at 4.5 volts. It can be used as part of intercoms, walkie-talkies, low-power transmitters, and packet radio receivers. Transistors T1 and T2 form the mic preamplifier. Resistor R1 provides the necessary bias for the condenser mic …

NE555 based Microphone amplifier

NE555 based Microphone amplifier

NE555 based Microphone amplifier IC NE555 or commonly known as 555 is an IC that is well known among electronics practitioners as an IC for timers, and can be used to form monostable or bistable multivibrator circuits. But not many know that the 555 IC can also be used as an  audio signal amplifier. By …

SSM2167 Microphone Preamplifier with compression for ubitx HF Transceiver

SSM2167 Microphone Preamplifier with compression for ubitx Transceiver

SSM2167 Microphone Preamplifier with compression for ubitx HF Transceiver This DIY project idea based on the small board module “SSM2167 Microphone Preamplifier Board Preamp Compression Module DC 3V-5V” widely available on eBay and Aliexpress. Mic gain is barely adequate on the µBITx transceiver since there is no Mic Gain control. It would also be helpful …