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Tag «AM»

Series Modulated AM Transmitter


Series Modulated AM Transmitter A series modulated AM Transmitter is a type of radio transmitter that uses amplitude modulation (AM) to transmit audio signals over a carrier wave. It’s known for being low-power and simple to construct, making it a good option for beginners or those interested in QRP (low-power) applications. In a series-modulated AM …

Class C – AM Transmitter

Class C -AM Transmitter

Class E – AM Transmitter A Class C AM transmitter is a type of high-efficiency, solid-state transmitter that is popular among amateur radio enthusiasts. It is known for its simplicity, affordability, and efficiency compared to other types of transmitters. Unlike Class E’s switching operation, Class C amplifiers operate in a more “on or off” manner. …

Simple two stage transistor one watt AM transmitter

One watt AM Transmitter

One watt AM transmitter This is a simple two stage transistor ‘one watt AM transmitter’ for the HF band which gives around 1 watt in output. You can use easily available transistors like BD139, SL100, 2N3866, 2N2219 or a 2N3553 in the final stage. The output with transistor 2N3553 is approx. 1.8 watt @ 12 …

Simple series modulated AM QRP HF Transmitter

Simple series modulated AM QRP HF Transmitter

A simple series modulated AM QRP HF transmitter is a type of radio transmitter that uses amplitude modulation (AM) to transmit audio signals over a high frequency (HF) radio band. It is designed to be low-power and simple to construct, making it a good choice for beginners or those who want to build a QRP …