Welcome to Homebrew Radio-related circuits & Design Ideas
This page contains links to various resources and circuits for learning about RF (Radio Frequency) and building electronic devices for amateur radio enthusiasts.
RF Circuits & Design Ideas
- SSB Audio Filter
- Simple SWR Bridge
- Simple Speech Processor
- Simple QRP TX-RX Tester
- Simple QRP SWR Bridge
- Simple 40M Pipsqueak Transmitter
- RF sensing relay
- RF sensing power switch
- QRP Transmitter – 1 MHZ – XTAL Controlled by W2CQH
- QRP Tabacco tin am transmitter
- QRP Dummy load
- QRP Power amplifier using parallel transistors
- One watt AM transmitter circuit
- NS40 Transmitter
- Noise Generator
- Noise cancelling mic using LF351
- Noise canceling microphone
- NOGAnaut Transmitter
- NG7D ONE-DER 20M transmitter
- MRX40 to 80M
- Mini ATU using toroid
- Micro QRP Transmitter
- Malin Head 80m Transmitter
- LM358 Audio compressor for SSB Radio
- HF QRP Power amplifier
- Little Joe one watt CW Transmitter
- G3IVF 80M Transmitter
- FoxTTL 2M Transmitter
- Field strength meter
- FET Two terminal oscillator
- CW Audio Filter
- Crystal Controlled signal Generator
- Class C – AM Transmitter
- Antihiss filter for LM386 Amplifier
- 750hz square wave oscillator
- 45MHZ frequency tripler
- 40M Transmitter
- 40M PNP Transmitter
- 40M PNP Transmitter v2.0
- 30-30 QRP Transmitter
- 2N3053 40M CW Transmitter
- 2 Transistor three watt transmitter
- Microphone compressor using LM1458
- Simple Noise cancelling mircophone using LF351 OpAmp
- Series Modulated AM Transmitter
- Class E – AM Transmitter
- Microphone compressor using two transistors
- Dynamic-compressor with audio preamplifier
- One watt AM Transmitter
- Simple series modulated AM QRP HF Transmitter
- OXO QRP HF Transmitter
- Simple audio compressor for SSB HF rigs
- LM324 microphone speech compressor
- Simple Mic Compressor using 3 Transistors
- SSM2167 Microphone Preamplifier with compression for ubitx Transceiver
- Ribless Programming cable for Motorola GM360 radio
- AGC board for ubitx
- 10 min transmitter
- G4RAW Tag80m tx
- Crystal checker
- 40M tag transmitter
- Pippin QRP Transmitter
- 5 watts CW Transmitter
- Tuneable AF low pass filter
- Two Band TWO-FER Transmitter
- Two Stage Mic audio clipper
- TWOFER QRP Transmitter
- QRP Dummy load
- QRP Tabacco tin am transmitter
- Tuneable AF low pass filter
- Universal QRP Transmitter
- Liquid AM transmitter
- JBOT Linear Amplifier
- DIY Microphone compressor
- AM transmitter using crystal oscillator module
- AM Transmitter -series modulated
- AM Transmitter for BC Band
- 7w am transmitter
- 3 watt AM Transmitter
- 1W HF CW Transmitter
- 74HC240 CW Transmitter
- WENZEL AM Transmitter
- TL071 Audio Compressor
- Dynamic compressor for amateur radio microphones
- Fuzz with compressor
- Guerilla AM Transmitter
- LULU 40M Transmitter
- Speech compressor with three transistors
- 5 watts CW Transmitter
- Pippin qrp transmitter
- 40M tag transmitter
- G4RAW Tag80m tx
- Sovina 40M Transmitter
- DIY Programming cable for a Motorola GM 300
- Ribless Programming cable for Motorola GM360 radio
- SSM2167 Microphone Preamplifier with compression for ubitx Transceiver
- NE555 based Microphone amplifier
- LM324 microphone speech compressor
- OXO-QRP-HF-Transmitter
- Simple series modulated AM QRP HF Transmitter
- One watt AM Transmitter
- Dynamic compressor with audio preamplifier
- Microphone compressor using two transistors
- Noise canceling microphone
- Class E – AM Transmitter
- Class C – AM Transmitter
- Series Modulated AM Transmitter
- Simple Noise cancelling mircophone using LF351 OpAmp
- Microphone compressor using LM1458
- QEX Magazine
- CQ Amateur Radio Magazine
- Nuts and Volts (US)
- Elektor (International)
- QST (US) (American Radio Relay League)
- RadCom (UK)
- HFSim (Amateur Radio Simulator)
- WSJT-X (Digital Mode Software)
Popular Electronics Circuits & PCB Design Softwares
- Altium Designer
- Autodesk Eagle
- KiCad (Open-Source)
- DipTrace
- EasyEDA
- Altium CircuitMaker (Free Hobbyist Version)
- DesignSpark PCB
- Siemens PADS
- Xpedition by Mentor Graphics
- OrCAD PCB Designer by Cadence
- Ultra Librarian
- FreeDMD
- KiCad Cloud App (Cloud-Based Version)
- JLCPCB Schematic Editor (Free Online Tool)
- PCB-Gcode
- KiCad Footprint Editor
- Pitracer
- geda (Open-Source)
- DesignSpark PCB OrCAD
- PCB Online
- Sunstone Circuits PCB Design Software
- OSH Park (Free for Simple Designs)
- DirtyPCBs
- PCBWay PCB Design Software
- Tayda Technologies PCB Design Software
- Elecrow PCB Design Software
Popular Ham Radio Software & Utilities (Research Capabilities):
- WSJT-X (Digital Communications)
- FLdigi (Digital Modes & Contesting)
- GNU Radio (Software Defined Radio)
- CQRlog (Logging & Contest Management)
- ACLog (Logging & Award Tracking)
- GridTracker (Antenna Pointing & QSL)
- HamSpots.net (Real-Time Band Activity)
- PSK Reporter (Real-Time Signal Reports)
- WSJT (Alternative Digital Mode Software)
- HFLINK (Digital Voice & Data Link)