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Category «Circuits»

Circuits – 7MHz CW / AM QRP Transmitter

7MHz CW / AM QRP Transmitter  – D.Prabakaran The circuit of a 7MHz C W / A M QRP transmitter described here can be used to transmit either CW or audio frequency modulated signal over a 7MHz carrier. The carrier frequency oscillator is crystal controlled using 7MHz crystal in its fundamental mode. The tank circuit …

Circuits – Offset tuning indicator for CW


An NE567 tone decoder, tuned to the transceiver`s CW offset frequency, ensures that the transceiver will be transmitting on the same frequency as the received CW signal. Simply tune the transceiver so that the LED lights. Eight to 13 Vdc is required; this can be taken from the transceiver supply or an extra battery. Audio …

Circuits – Simple tester checks LCDs


Manufacturers of electronic equipment use LCDs for calculators, watches, mini-videogames, and pagers, for example. In comparison with LED-based displays,which consume power on the order of tens of milliwatts, an LCD consumes onlya few microwatts. The LCD thus saves power by a factor of approximately 1000. Checking an LED is as simple as checking a semiconductor …

Circuits – White LED Torch

           This low-cost circuit is suitable for powering flashlights, emergency lighting and other applications in which it is desirable to power white LEDs from one or two primary cell batteries. The transistor, lk resistor [Rll and the tapped inductor form a blocking oscillator. When the power button is pressed, the transistor …


The timer circuit described here provides a pleasant musical tone in your darkroom at 1-second intervals.The circuit takes up very little space and can be easily converted into a metronome. Unijunction transistor (UJT) T1 functioning as a relaxation oscillator triggers the phase-shift audio oscillator circuit built around transistor T2, turning it on and off. As …

Circuits – Short Wave Transmitter

This transmitter circuit operates in shortwave HF band (6 MHz to15 MHz), and can be used for shortrange communication and for educational purposes. The circuit consists of a mic amplifier, a variable frequency oscillator, and modulation amplifier stages. Transistor T1 (BF195) is used as a simple RF oscillator. Resistors R6 and R7 determine base bias, …

Circuits – Easy To Build AC Power Meter

If your goal is to save on electricity, you must first measure the ac current flowing through your appliances. The formula for power is the product of the ac line voltage and the measured current. Presented here is a demonstration of how to build an ac power meter using a current transformer (see the figure). The …

Circuits-VHF Preamplifier using Max2633

Here is a high performance RF amplifier for the entire VHF band that can be successfully built without any special test equipment. The grounded -gate configuration is inherently stable without any neutralisation if reasonably good layout techniques are employed. The performance of the amplifier is quite good. The noise figure is below 2dB and the …