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Tag «mic compressor»

Microphone Audio Compressor in SSB Radio

Microphone Audio Compressor in SSB Radio     Single-sideband (SSB) radio, a dominant mode in amateur (ham) radio and other communication applications, transmits voice signals with improved spectral efficiency compared to older AM (amplitude modulation) methods. However, SSB has limitations in terms of audio quality and intelligibility, particularly in challenging propagation conditions. This is where …

Microphone compressor using LM1458

1458 Compressor 3D view

Microphone compressor using LM1458 The LM1458 is a dual operational amplifier (op-amp) that finds applications in audio amplification and other circuits. Let’s explore how you can create a simple microphone preamplifier with compression using the LM1458. To get greater transmitting performance from your ham radio transceiver, we need to keep the modulation level constant, regardless of …

Microphone compressor using two transistors

Microphone compressor using two transistors 2D view

Microphone compressor using two transistors Microphone compression is a useful tool that can help you to achieve a more consistent and polished sound. By reducing the gain of the loudest parts of your signal, compression can help to even out your volume levels and make your voice sound more upfront in the mix. It can …

Simple Mic Compressor using 3 Transistors for HF rigs

Simple Mic Compressor using 3 Transistors

Mic Compressor using 3 Transistors is a simple, yet effective, compressor circuit that can be used to improve the dynamic range of a microphone signal. The circuit is made up of three transistors, and it is powered by a 12-volt supply. It was designed by Eko Pramono, a ham radio operator from Indonesia. The circuit …