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Tag «audio compressors»

Microphone compressor using LM1458

1458 Compressor 3D view

Microphone compressor using LM1458 The LM1458 is a dual operational amplifier (op-amp) that finds applications in audio amplification and other circuits. Let’s explore how you can create a simple microphone preamplifier with compression using the LM1458. To get greater transmitting performance from your ham radio transceiver, we need to keep the modulation level constant, regardless of …

Simple audio compressor for SSB HF Radio rigs

Simple audio compressor for SSB HF rigs - PCB Layout

Simple audio compressor for SSB HF Radio rigs An audio/speech compressor is a device that reduces the dynamic range of the audio signal. This means that it makes the loud parts of the signal quieter and the quiet parts of the signal louder. This can be useful for SSB HF radio rigs because it can …

LM324 microphone speech compressor

LM324 Microphone speech compressor-PCB layout

The circuit shown is a microphone speech compressor built around operational amplifier LM324. This amplifier circuit exhibits gain and also continually adjusts that gain to maintain a constant amplitude output signal, regardless of the amount of signal coming from the microphone. The microphone is coupled to the LM324 Operational Amplifier IC which has 4 separate …

Amateur Radio – Mike Preamplifier/Speech compressors/Audio Processors – Resources

Audio processors and speech compressors are important in SSB radio because they can help improve the transmitted signal’s quality. Here are complete resources and links available in the internet connected to Mike Preamplifier/Speech compressors/Speech Processors Dyna Audio compressor Noise Canceling Electret Microphones – WB9YBM Microphone Speech Processor Microphone Amplifier with ALC Audio compression with transistors …

Really Cheap audio compressor


The Really cheap audio compressor circuit diagram from is a simple, yet effective compressor circuit that can be built with a handful of cheap components. The circuit consists of two op-amps, two LEDs, a LDR, a few resistors, and a capacitor. The first op-amp (U1) is configured as a unity gain amplifier. The input …